Why Can't I Get a Good Night's Sleep During Spring?

boudoir pillow
Bedtime is typically your chance to unwind after a potentially stressful day at the office so put your feet up and shut your eyes. Considering how important sleep is, it’s important to note that spring is typically the hardest time of the year to actually get a good night’s rest. If you find yourself struggling to sleep well during the spring, here are some reasons you might be having trouble.
boudoir pillow
Spring is usually one of the most allergy-ridden times of the year. It’s just about that time when trees and all other plants start shedding pollen, which leaves many people having itchy throats, runny noses, and burning eyes. Needless to say, it can be really difficult to fall asleep and sleep well throughout the night with these allergies. One thing you can do to help your sleep is to make sure all of your sheets, boudoir pillow cases, and blankets are consistently being washed. Boudoir pillow covers are really good in general since they are made out of cotton, but it still is important to wash them weekly along with the rest of your bedding in hot water. This will help eliminate any of the allergens that you brought into bed after a long day outside. Plus, your embroidered and decorative pillows will smell nice after you wash them. In fact, about three-quarters of people say they get a more comfortable night’s sleep on sheets with a fresh scent.
It’s Light Outside
Many people may be excited that it’s not getting as dark as early anymore, but the fact that the sun is setting later means it’s going to rise sooner. If you are generally awoken by the sun, you might need to install some blackout curtains in your room. The blackout curtains, as their name suggests, will prevent light from coming into your room, so you’re not waking up before your alarm goes off. If you don’t want to have a fully blacked-out room, wear an eye mask instead.
The Birds!
If you’re not a fan of birds chirping early in the morning, then you probably hate spring. Usually, during the springtime, the birds are awake before most humans are. If you have a bird’s nest right near your window, you might think there’s nothing you can really do about the noise. You can’t move the nest, but you can wear a pair of earplugs to bed. The earplugs will do enough to block that excess noise out, but will still allow you to hear your loud alarm going off so you can start the day on time.
Spring is one of the best times of the year, but it can be one of the worst for your sleep. Take a look at the steps listed above and if you find yourself in any of those situations, test a few of the solutions we’ve offered here.

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