Our kids need calmness in their lives so that they can grow harmoniously. They need a balanced environment in which they can grow, as well as a sense of security. And this starts at home, in their most familiar environment. Children’s rooms should be a space where they can be creative, learn, play, and unwind. Above all, their room should be a safe place to be themselves. As a result, we thought to help you with some simple tips for designing a calming kid’s bedroom. So, we invite you to continue reading our article to see how you can create the perfect nursery or kids’ bedroom.
1. Choose the right colors
Colors have the power to influence our moods and state of mind. Kids are no different. In reality, they can be much more sensitive to colors than adults. The color of their room can help them either relax and feel cozy or make them feel tense and anxious. So, if you want to design a calming bedroom for your children, pay attention to the colors you choose. Try to use soft colors that can help them relax, like green or blue. If you have newborns, try to use pastel colors that brighten rooms, like lavender or peach. If your kids are older, use primary colors like purple or orange.
But, whatever color you decide to use, if your kids are old enough, ask for their opinion. Children enjoy being part of decision-making because it gives them a sense of importance and involvement. Also, this can help them get through difficult times, such as a relocation, with more ease. You can support them with transition and help them settle in faster in their new home if you get them to help design their room.
2. Keep the room tidy and clutter-free

Kids need an organized room to do their daily activities, such as studying or playing. The tidier their room is, the more space they have to do those activities. In contrast, if their room is untidy and full of clutter, they will feel stressed and frustrated. Therefore, try to keep things in their place and get rid of everything that is not needed. Teach your children to pick up their toys from the floor and put them away, show them how and where to store their sleeping dresses or pajamas, etc. In addition, periodically get rid of the items and clothes that your kids don’t need anymore. Throw away broken toys and damaged clothes and give away the ones they outgrew.
3. Focus on the bed
One of the simple tips for designing a calming kid’s bedroom is to focus on the bed. Your children need a comfortable and cozy bed to relax in and sleep well. At the same time, some kids can be resilient towards going to bed when they should or napping during the day. So why not make them look forward to meeting the Sandman by giving them the bed of their dreams? For instance, get them the bedframe that they would love, some soft sheets, and beautiful pillow covers. And if you need to make the perfect bed on a budget, don’t worry. You can find plenty of DIY bed frame ideas on the internet that you and your children can work on together. That way, you can create something together while bonding and having lots of fun.
4. Give your kids space

We all wish to give our kids all the space they need for playing or learning. Unfortunately, not all of us have the luxury of big homes with large enough rooms, so we often need to improvise.
Make the most of the room you have to provide your children with the space they need. For instance, don’t overcrowd the room with furniture, but try to use furniture that can have a double purpose. Chairs and tables with extra storage space, for example, can come in handy. In addition, loft beds with study space underneath can help you save a lot of space. Also, if you have two older kids, you could use a bunk bed.
Bunk beds can also prove to be very useful if you have to relocate to a new home. Given that the first thing you should do when moving with kids is to set up their room, having a bunk bed will ease your work. You just have to assemble one bed instead of two. Just make sure that you do it the right way, and your kids will be able to sleep in their familiar beds from day one in their new home. That can be helpful to children in terms of accepting and adjusting to a new home.

5. Create different zones in the bedroom
As mentioned earlier, a child’s bedroom will have multiple functions. It will be the place for relaxing, learning, or playing. So, when you try to design a calming kid’s bedroom, keep in mind what your child’s needs are and make separate zones. In addition, separate the zones you create using different colored rugs. Or, paint the play corner one color and the study area another. In the play area, hang a hammock where your youngsters can sit and play with toys. In the study area, place a bookcase, a desk, and a chair. That will help your kids keep their focus during each activity.
6. Give your child a space to decompress

Sometimes, our kids just want to hide away from the world in their room. And it’s a good idea for children to have a special place where they can feel safe when this happens. Therefore, if you want some simple tips for designing a calming children’s bedroom, create a small corner where your child can find refuge. It can be the space under the stairs, a cozy spot in the closet, or a fort in a nook. Put some warm blankets and soft pillows inside the hiding spot to make it more comfortable. Also, you can add some of your kid’s favorite toys and place a door hanger at the entrance. That way, everyone will know not to bother them.
Final thoughts
Now that you know the simple tips for designing a calming kid’s bedroom, you just need to put them into practice. Get your kids to help you pick the color of the room, the bed frame, or the accessories. And if it would be helpful to save some money while designing the perfect bedroom for your kids, you can check out our sale items page. We are confident that you will find something delightful.